Monday, April 26, 2010

Do you collect anything?

I was surfing the 'net and came across this article about people collecting "things."

Collecting can destroy your life .

Makes me wonder if I would ever be capable of taking a collection this far?!?

Okay, no, I don't believe I would because I am becoming the person that wants things put away. We have a small place so with the toys and other stuff out it always looks cluttered here.

At least once a day I trip over something. Swear at myself for not buying a bigger place when I had a chance, and then telling myself that one day we will have a bigger home (I can only hope, though I don't see it in the reality realm). Not so we can have more "stuff" but just to be able to move around more freely and having it look more neat in here.

Do you think that if you had the room you could become a hoarder?

What would you hoard??


Anne said...

I am like the opposite of a hoarder. I am a thrower! But if I could hoard something it would be purses. And shoes. ;)

Anonymous said...

I like to throw too, but then I like to save!!! I wish I could have a big room just for storage! I save memorbilia - Emily's important school papers, letters, drawings, etc, but that is all I save!

Karen said...

I know I'll be saving all of Em's stuff. If we are able to ever buy a bigger place I want it to have a finished basement so I can store all the important stuff there.

Erin Janda Rawlings said...

I agree with The Girl Next Door Grows Up - I would save everything from my kids as babies and toddlers. That and all the art projects, i have a hard time trhwoing that stuff away!

Roodlyne said...

I collect sea shells, foreign money but I'm not too crazy about it. I spend all my collected foreign money in Mexico airport I had no cash on me but that! eh well

I'm your new follower from MBC
I'm over at stop by!

Anonymous said...

Following you from FFF on MBC. =) I save my daughters clothes and some toys. WIth her clothes I wanna cut "patches" out and have someone sew them into a keepsake blanket..but 3 years later I havent got around to it yet...