I am a homeschooling Mom and am in the process right now of teaching Ms. E how to read so when I came across the opportunity to be able to get a program to help with that, I jumped at it.
Have you ever heard of the Children Learning Reading Program?
If you have then you have probably seen or used the program. I had never heard of it but am glad that I did.
The program was developed by Jim and Elana who are proud parents of three children. According to their website:
Our program is an unique and sure-fire learning to read system that many parents like you have used to successfully teach their children to read in a relatively short period of time - spending just 10 to 15 minutes each day.But me, I am a "I have to see it to believe it" sort of person. We've been working on reading for a while now and though our little one knows quite a few site words, she has the tendency to memorize things as well. So she can actually fool you into thinking that she is reading complete sentences when she has actually memorized what it says because we've gone over it a time or two.
So, I wanted to try this program as I really want Ms. E to pick up on some better reading skills and heck, I can do the 10-15 minutes a day.
How does the program work? Glad you asked.
You are basically trying to teach your child to read by using really short stories that engage the child and phonics. Pretty basic information, but it is basic information that works. Program claims that with it, you will be able to teach a child as young as 2 to read.
Our opinion:
When I first downloaded the product, there was a whole lot of information in the beginning that made me just want to skip it and get to the "meat" of the program. They suggest that you don't do that and if you do, they recommend you go back and read certain sections. I had to actually stop myself a couple of times from just skipping ahead. Once you get through the beginning of it, it is more smooth sailing.
Also, Ms. E is past the beginning things, such as saying letters, sounds, etc, so we used that as a review for her. She enjoyed it a bit, but was getting bored. She would say "I already know that is the letter B." So, I had a hard time keeping her interested in the beginning.
The program is pretty much all laid out in easy to understand and follow along sections for both the child and the parent/caregiver/teacher.
I have noticed that she is now picking up a bit more and have been shocked at some of the words that she does not recognize in sentences. The other night she actually read me the title of a book that she had never seen before. I was impressed, to say the least.
I am a lover of books myself and really enjoy reading and am a firm believer that the earlier you are able to teach someone to read that the more success that they will have later in life. You will also give them the love of books, a way to escape and use their imagination. Sadly, I have come across people that I know in our personal life, that even though they have graduated high school (and some college) they still aren't able to read well. This doesn't have to be the case, especially when you have programs like Children Learning Reading.
I would highly recommend this program to any family or individual that is teaching someone to read. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I know that Ms. E and I are going to keep working along with the program for our 15 minutes at a time. I like the changes that is is making in her, you can see more confidence in her eyes when she comes across a word that she knows or a word that she doesn't know that she is able to sound out.
Please make sure that you check out their site and read all the reviews from everyday folks and you can also see the success stories videos.
Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for this post. However, I did receive a download product so that I could properly do a product review. All words, except for quoted red text are my own and were not influenced by any outside source.
I wish to thank the folks at Children Learning Reading Program for allowing Lollipops n' Ladybugs to participate in this review.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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