Friday, April 30, 2010

Feel Good Friday

Feel Good Friday is brought to you by The Girl Next Door Grows Up .

If you want to see what it is all about just click the link, you'll be glad that you did.

My story this week is about my Pops.

My Dad. The strong silent type.

The man who I know always has my back.

Sure, we had some issues while I was growing up. I got my stubborness from him so we did butt heads.

It makes me smile to see him so happy when the grandchildren are visiting him. He has a few that he never sees, so we try to make up for it with the grandchildren he does. My one brother lives close so he is able to see his grandson and granddaughter frequently and then of course I live next door so he is able to see my daugher frequently as well.

The other day he was on his tractor with his grandson and over the loudness of the tractor I could hear him singing at the top of his lungs.

One day he watched Em for me so I could run some errands and as I was walking up the stairs to his place I could hear them laughing in the living room. When I walked in, Em was hopping all over the place, completely wrapped up in a plastic slinky.

I know it does bring him sadness though when he thinks about Mom not being able to be here enjoying her grandchildren as well. My one niece was old enough and able to spend 3 years or so with Mom, but she never "met" my brother's son, or my daughter. But I tell him that she does "see" them and is always with them and looking out for them and I'm sure she is holding on tightly to the little ones I have lost.

I know this is suppose to be Feel Good Friday, and I just turned the story sad, which I apologize for.

So, my Feel Good Friday story is the happiness it brings me to see the joy on my Pops face when he is spending time with the grandchildren.

I hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend


Anonymous said...

It was a great story and I know what you mean!

Anonymous said...

I like to think the ones that have gone on are still with us in our hearts and the ones we don't get to see are there too.

Katie Lane said...

A like your story and totally see how it relates to FGF! One reason I want to have kids so much as soon as possible is so that they can spend time with my parents and grandparents and remember them and know how amazing they are. Does that make sense? Happy Friday :)

Erin Janda Rawlings said...

So sweet!