Monday, April 5, 2010

Most of my friends/family know that I am a proud member of the "Red Sox Nation." No, I'm not from Mass., or really any state where you would expect there to be Sox fans.

I am from New York.

Yankee country.

I am a firm believer that Yankee and Red Sox fans don't hate each other. Well, maybe in some places that may be the case. But in my world, its not.

You see, I'm married to a Yankee fan.

My brothers are Yankee fans.

My mother was a Red Sox fan and I am a Red Sox fan.

We all get along.

Yes, there are "ha ha ha ha" texts at 11:00 p.m. at night.

There are bets.

There are accusations about certain ball-players.

But for us, it is all part of the game.

I have to admit that I'm not one of those fans that is glued to the tv and watching every inning, every pitch, yelling at the tv when things go wrong, etc. Okay, last night, on opening night, when Cameron was called out by the first base ump, I did yell at the TV. He missed the call. The Yankee announcers said he missed the call. But it is all part of the game.

Will there ever be heated discussions over teams?? Oh yes, there have been in the past and there will be in the future. But, it is all part of the game for us. My brother even wore a Yankee jersey to Easter dinner yesterday.

Only 161 more games to go and then on to the post season. There are seventeen more regular season games with the Yankees and who knows what will happen in the playoffs.

Then we can put the season behind us and move on to football.

BUT, there we have camaraderie, as my husband, myself and my brother (who is local) are all Cowboys fans.


Katie's Dailies said...

Hmm, a COWBOYS fan? We're die hard Redskins here, This fall may get interesting! ;-) But it was SO nice having baseball back on last night. I love it!

Karen said...

You guys made out well getting McNabb. Not sure what the Eagles were thinking trading him in their own division. Going to be an interesting football season this year.